Christmas Desserts

Christmas Puddings Christmas Puddings have been a family favourite for generations but it isn’t a pudding that everyone likes. With this in mind, serving an alternative Christmas dessert alongside your traditional pud will be sure to be please everyone! See below our 5 favourite alternative Christmas dessert recipes which we hope you’ll have a go…

Christmas shortbread biscuits

Christmas shortbread biscuits Time: 45 mins Serves 20 Decorate these gorgeous Christmas biscuits with candied orange peel, flaked almonds or freeze-dried raspberries. Star- or tree-shaped cutters also work well Ingredients 275g plain flour 100g caster sugar 1 tsp ground mixed spice, ground cinnamon or ground cardamom (optional) 150g salted butter, cut into cubes 2 egg…

Nuts about nuts!

Nuts About Nuts! When we think about the origin of our food, nuts aren’t really thought about, but when you look into where certain nuts come from, you fall down a fascinating hole which is absolutely nuts! We have collated information about the world’s most popular nut, the 3 edible nuts that grow in the…