
Kimchi The tradition of crafting kimchi in Korea traces its roots back to ancient times when this fermented dish was a crucial source of sustenance during the unforgiving winters. This iconic side dish not only symbolises Korea’s rich cultural legacy but also embodies the resilience and resourcefulness of its people. The intricate process of making…

British Fusion

British Fusion An exciting evolution of iconic dishes and worldly flavours makes British fusion a hot food trend to continue to watch this year! British fusion food blends international favourites with traditional classics, creating a limitless array of exciting recipes. The marriage of various cuisines with British staples opens doors to culinary innovation. Showcase local…

St George’s Day

St George’s Day St George’s Day in England remembers St George, England’s patron saint (and the patron saint of farmers too!). The anniversary of his death, which is on April 23, is seen as England’s national day. St George was born sometime around the year 280 in what is now Turkey. He was a soldier…