Easter Activities
Easter is nearly here and we hope you enjoy some precious time out with the family. We’ve included some activities for you to enjoy and share together as a family.
Have a very happy Easter.
Love Kay, Ken & the Team x
Water Balloon ‘Egg’ Toss
Buy some water balloons and head outside. Split your family into pairs.
Have each pair throw water balloon “eggs” back and forth. When someone pops an egg, the other team scores a point, the first team to 5 are the winners. Soggyness rating 10/10
Pin The Tail On The Bunny!
Donkey who? Draw or download an image of a rabbit.
Create a fluffy bunny tail with some white paper – simply cut out like the shape of a cloud and add some blue tack to the back. Blindfold each other and try and pin the tail on the bunny – mark on the paper where everyone places theirs.
Make An Easter Basket
- Cut 1” wide strips of paper.
- Cut 4 18” pieces of one colour and 1 for the handle.
- Set aside the 1 for the handle.
- Cut 4 14” long pieces of your first colour.
- Cut 4 14” long pieces of your second colour.
- Arrange the 14” pieces 4 across, being sure to alternate colours.
- Weave 4 more 14” pieces in the other direction of the 4 you already have placed down, alternating colours again.
- Adjust the inner square to make a 4” x 4” square.
- Glue down each corner that is overlapping to secure.
- Fold each piece inwards towards the centre to start building the side walls.
- With the 18” pieces, measure and mark every 4” and then fold on each mark.
- Glue the ends together.
- Weave each of these pieces to form the basket by following the under/over weaving pattern.
- After you weave the 4 18” pieces onto the walls, fold over any excess paper and glue to the inside (or trim and glue to the inside).
- Glue each side of the handle to the inside of the basket and you are done!
Easter Outdoor Activities
Here are a few activities to enjoy with your children over the Easter period.
Easter Trail at Hope Nature Centre
Monday 1st April 10 am – 5 pm
Hope Nature Centre, From Road, Southwick, Trowbridge
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Help the Easter bunny find 6 giant Easter eggs around the Park. Collect the letters and unscramble the code to claim an Easter treat. Trail included with pre-booked child admission. £6-£7

Bowood’s Big Spring Adventure
Bowood, Calne
29th March – 14th April
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The Bowood Easter Bunny has hidden 10 large eggs through the grounds.
Find the eggs, unscramble the letters and guess the word to win a prize.
Easter Egg hunt at Avebury
23rd March, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
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Make your way along the trail while taking part in ten fun, creative, and playful activities inspired by our native wildlife for the whole family. The trail takes place between 23 March and 14 April from 10am-4pm, so come along and explore the beautiful gardens of Avebury.
Prices are £3 per trail which includes an Easter trail sheet, pencil, bunny ears and you can choose from either a chocolate egg or a vegan and Free From chocolate egg. Both eggs are made using Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. Find out more at www.rainforest-alliance.org. Normal admission prices to the garden apply.
*Suitable for people with milk, egg, gluten, peanut and tree nut allergies.
Easter Eggcitment
American Museum, Claverton, Bath
29 March – 14 April
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Easter trail – hunt for our creative and colourful egg installations throughout the daffodil-filled gardens and answer the simple quiz question at each egg station to complete the fun trail with a chocolate treat at the end. The trail is £3.50 in addition to admission.
Enjoy creative Easter activities at our crafting station and take part in an egg roll race on the terrace lawn every day.
Have fun in the interactive, family friendly American Road Trip exhibition and much more.
Easter fun at No 1 Royal Crescent
No 1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath
29 March – 14 April, 10 am – 4 pm
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Spring has sprung! Make your own 3D floral collage artwork this Easter. This drop-in activity (no booking required) is available in the gallery every day during opening hours, Tuesday to Sunday, from 29th March to 14th April 2024.
Self-led activity, free with museum entry*. 10am-4pm