Pan-Fried Chicken with Goats Cheese & Pea Risotto
Rob Thorley, ex-chef and Sales Manager at Heritage, shares some of his cooking delights and fills us with cooking inspiration. Rob had another treat for us this weekend, making the most of the delicious Whitelake’s Whitewood Goats Cheese.
See his recipe for pan-fried chicken with goats cheese & pea risotto below.
- 2 chicken breast
- 200g frozen peas
- 400g risotto rice
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1 shallot or white onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1-litre chicken stock
- Glass of dry white wine
- Salt and pepper
- 200g Grana Padano
- Whitelake’s Whitewood Goats Cheese
Pan-fry two seasoned chicken breasts for a couple of minutes on each until sealed.
Place in a 200C oven for 20 mins.
Simmer the chicken stock in a small saucepan.
Using the same pan you cooked the chicken in, cook the shallots and garlic in a tbsp of butter until soft and clear.
Add the rice, making sure it doesn’t stick, stirring for a couple of minutes then pour in the white wine.
Then slowly but surely, add the chicken stock a ladle at a time for the next 15 mins and keep stirring.
Add a wedge of goats cheese in towards the end and grate in some Grana Padano.
As the rice is just about to lose its bite, stir in the peas, a tbsp of butter, cover and leave to rest.
Tip: You may have stock left or not enough. If not enough and the rice is still too hard, add a small amount of hot water.
Whilst the risotto is resting get the chicken out and slice should be cooked through and moist.
Serve the risotto with a wedge of goats cheese and the sliced chicken on top.