Chef’s seasonal update late September
The recent heavy rainfall across the UK, with some areas receiving a month’s worth of rain in just 48 hours, is affecting certain crops. Many farmers are finding it difficult to get into the fields to harvest, particularly impacting brassicas. This could result in further price increases and limited supply in the coming weeks.
Courgettes: The UK courgette season has now come to an end.
- Raspberries and strawberries remain in short supply due to challenging weather conditions, with UK-grown berries being hit the hardest.
- Blueberries: UK supplies are dwindling, leading to increased reliance on imports and rising prices.
- Blackberries: Supply is limited and prices are high, but we’re hoping for improvements next week.
As with all soft fruits, weather plays a crucial role, and recent conditions have been tough, so expect ongoing shortages and higher prices.
Mushrooms: A lower-than-expected yield from overheated compost is causing shortages, especially for flat mushrooms.
- Thai baby corn: Availability is becoming tighter, and prices are climbing due to typhoons and tropical storms affecting crop yields.
- Asparagus: Prices remain high as freight space from Peru becomes limited, with other products being prioritised.
Lemons: The Spanish lemon season has started, but volumes are still limited as the de-greening process is progressing slowly.
Brazilian melons: All in season now, with fresh honeydew available.
French apples: The new season is underway, with Pink Lady apples expected in November.
Bramley apples: Now fully into the new season.